「散りぬべき時知りてこそ世の中の 花も花なれ 人も人なれ」戦乱の世で信仰を貫いたガラシャの信仰物語。2020年の大河ドラマ「麒麟が来くる」明智光秀の娘の生涯。
著者・訳者など:守部 喜雅
トラクト ホソカワガラシャ
Hosokawa Gracia Stood Firm in Her Faith in Christ
(Kirisuto e no Shinkoh o Tsuranuita Hosokawa Garasha)
Yoshimasa Moribe
This tract introduces the life of Tama Gracia Hosokawa who was the daughter of a rebellious samurai general, Akechi Mitsuhide. Akechi is the subject of a drama on NHK TV in 2020. His daughter Tama lived in a world disrupted by wars, but she became a Christian convert to seek peace and hope in the chaotic period. Christianity was brought to Japan in 1549 by Francis Xavier who taught that God loves all people unconditionally and He gave Christ His Son to this world to free people from sin and death. Tama heard the teaching from Christian samurai lord Takayama Ukon. The teachings of Christ, grace versus works, stood out in distinct contrast to Tama’s Zen Buddhist upbringing. She confessed her sins and trusted Christ and received baptism in 1587 and took the name Gracia meaning “grace of God.” Caught in the fighting surrounding her husband’s clan, she faced death bravely with the hope of heaven. Quotes Ecclesiastes 3:1-2. Christianity teaches the good news that there is a world of joy beyond death. An interesting story for history lovers. Pack of 50. \750+