『聖書 新改訳2017』のヨハネの福音書本文の全体を収録。巻頭と巻末に解説を収録。聖書を読んでみたい人、キリスト教に興味をもっている人に気軽に渡せる小冊子。ルビつき、並行箇所が付記された見出しつき。
著者・訳者など:いのちのことば社出版部 編
Gospel According to John, The: Life of Jesus Christ
(Yohane no Fukuinsho: Iesu Kirisuto no Shohgai)
Shin Nihon Seisho Kankohkai
Text of the Gospel According to John from the New Japanese Bible 2017 (Shinkaiyaku). The introduction explains what the Bible is and what the Gospels are. Topical headings are in the text with references to parallel passages in the other Gospels. Pronunciation marks are on all kanji in the Bible text and topical headings. In the back is an article explaining who John is, the historical setting of the time and place and the characteristics of the Gospel. Then there is an outline of John with the topical headings listed. A great way to introduce people to Jesus and to the Bible. B6 size, 64 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04353-9 \100+