「ウエストミンスター小教理問答」をもとに、問答形式で、一問を月曜日から土曜日まで6日間で学べるデボーションガイド。やさしい言葉で聖書の教え・教理をしっかり学べる。個人、家族、親子デボーションに最適。グループや教会学校、祈り会のテキストにも。[いのちのことば社発売 協力出版]
シュヲシリ、シュヲヨロコブ コドモカラオトナマデ~キョウリモンドウニヨルヒビノデボーション
Training Hearts, Teaching Minds
(Shu o Shiri, Shu o Yorokobu)
Starr Meade
One year of daily devotions for families with children based on the questions and answers in the Westminster Shorter Catechism. This book of daily readings aids memorization by devoting six days and meditations to each question. It explains the catechism in simple language, includes key Scripture readings, and takes just a few moments each day, allowing time for discussion and review. It provides the practical resources to infuse family devotions with meaning, purpose, and lively joy. Useful in the home, church, or classroom. Distributed by WLPM. A5 size, 432 pp.