主が今ここにおられたら、どんなことを語ってくださるだろうか――聖書のみことばをイエスが直接語ることばとして語り直した霊想書。苦しみの中にあっても、「あなたの希望を100パーセント"わたし"に託しなさい!」 神さまが身近に感じられるメッセージ。
著者・訳者など:サラ・ヤング 著 佐藤知津子 訳
ワタシノキボウガアナタヲエイエンニマモル シュノアイニオモイヲハセル150ノモクソウ
Jesus Today
(Watashi no Kiboh ga Anata o Eien ni Mamoru)
Sarah Young
150 devotional readings. We know through faith that Jesus is with us in the midst of our trials. He is right there with you, giving strength and encouragement through His gentle presence. Sarah Young shares readings written as though Jesus Himself is speaking to you. They were born out of a time when she underwent intense medical treatment. During that season as she was comforted by the Scriptures, she realized that hope shines the brightest when things look the darkest. These readings will help you discover as Sarah did, the peace that comes from seeking Jesus' presence right where you are. B6* size, 288 pp.