What Modern People Have Forgotten: Jukichi Yagi
(Gendaijin ga Wasureta Mono: Yagi Jukichi)
Jukichi Yagi (1898-1927) was a poet who worked as a teacher. He died at the young age of 29 and only published one book of poems. Over a 5-year period he wrote 3,000 poems which even now are greatly loved. In them he looks at Nature, thinks about his hometown, about his wife, about children, and, with trembling heart, puts those thoughts into words. Three of his poems are quoted. One expresses a desire to not give up seeking beauty in relationships with people. He had that hope because he knew the Bible and believed in Jesus Christ the Son of God who loves people and saves them from perishing and gives eternal life. Quotes Isaiah 40:31. When he learned he was sick, and knowing he would die young, he continued to write poems. Another poem is about pausing to sit on grass and realize he had made mistakes. At such times resting in Nature we can hear God's voice. The third poem is about hearing a harp (koto) quietly playing in autumn brightness. It encourages us to quietly take one step at a time as our lives move ahead. Information on the Forest Book about Jukichi's life and faith is on the back page for readers who want to know more plus space to stamp church information. Package of 50.