日本でキリスト教が根づき、増え広がらないのはなぜか? 開拓伝道運動CPIを主導してきた著者が、内外の論文や実践例をもとに、日本の文化的・社会的・教会的な課題に挑戦。自己充足的な体質を打ち破って、教会を再生産し福音を満たす生きた共同体へと変革する道筋を示す。
Multiplying Churches in Japanese Soil
(Kyohkai Zohshoku)
John Wm. Mehn
The Japanese church has experienced periods of quiet flourishing and periods of intense persecution. But it has never managed to take root as a truly indigenous church?despite great effort toward that aim. John Mehn asks "What factors have contributed to the Japanese remaining largely unreached?" Mehn examines the current state of affairs and then, with some careful analysis and case study, delves into effective models and leadership for planting churches in Japan that not only grow, but are also equipped to reproduce and multiply. Discover mission strategy, kingdom perspective, and hope for the church in Japanese soil. "46" size, 288 pp.