1930 年に出された本邦初訳の説教集『かすかな細い御声』、『福音』誌に載った1934 年に英国で語られた説教、『霊泉』誌に掲載された、最後の来日時の説教等を収録。円熟期を迎え、人間のわざではなく、神の先行的な恵みが力強く語られる。バックストンの集大成とも言える名説教の数々。
バックストンチョサクシュウ ベツカン 「カスカナホソイミコエ」
Collected Works of B. F. Buxton: Supplement Vol.: The Still Small Voice of God
(Buxton Chosaku-shu Bekkan: Kasuka na Hosoi Mikoe)
Barclay Fowell Buxton
This extra volume to the series contains the first Japanese translation of Buxton’s sermon: "The still small voice of God" written in 1930, preached in Britain in 1934, and published in “The Gospel “ magazine. Sermons from his last visit to Japan that were published in "Reisen" magazine are also included in the book. His messages emphasize the proactive grace of God as a divine and not human work. These famous sermons represent the best compilation of Buxton’s works. B6 size, 290 pp.