米国人オルガニストが魅せられた日本文化。そこには「壊れ」によってもたらされる癒やしや、他者のために自己を犠牲にする姿など、福音の真理につながるメッセージが込められていた! 金継ぎ、真珠、漆、歌舞伎、箏、香道等を独特の視点で解説する。
The Broken Leaf
(Kudakareta Ha)
Roger W. Lowther
Meditations on art, life and faith in Japan. What an American found in Japan. An American musician came to Japan as a missionary and has immersed himself in Japanese culture and interacted deeply with those in the Japanese arts community. Here he shares the spiritual themes he has discovered in Japanese culture and everyday life that echo biblical themes, themes that are images of the gospel, and applies them to life and faith. Through ten short meditations, Japanese can discover just how God might be revealing his story in the everyday objects of their lives. This beautiful book is a work of art in itself. B6* size, 104 pp.