著者・訳者など:カミーユ・ベルナール 絵、結城絵美子 文
判型:200×200ミリ 上製 オールカラー
ABC Prayers
(ABC no Inori)
Myriam Baudic, Camille Bernard, Illus.
The perfect children’s prayer book that helps establish a routine bedtime prayer time and provides a helpful starting point for children wondering what they can speak to God about. A beautiful padded hardcover picture book featuring charming illustrations of a family of mice who play, share, forgive, and celebrate together, all the while wrapping around the letters of the alphabet throughout the prayer book. Each prayer begins with the next letter of the alphabet, and includes prayers for families, friends, celebrations, peace, love, forgiveness, and the importance of kindness. Hardback. Size: 200mm(length) 200mm(width), 64 pp. ISBN: 978-4-264-04264-8 \1.300+