出版社・製造元:Maki Randelman(いのちのこ
イスラエルで学び、ヘブライ語で聖書を読むことによって著者に与えられた「宝もの」とは? ヘブライ語の単語を60個取り上げ、その原意や用法を探りながら、みことばの真意や、みことばに込められた神のみこころを思い巡らす。賛美に満ちあふれた原典入門。[発売いのちのことば社 (協力出版)]
Hebrew Treasures
(Heburai no Takaramono)
Maki Randelman
Devotional book based on studies of Hebrew words of Scripture. As we delve into these precious words God used to reveal His heart we come to know Him better and respond in praise and thanksgiving. Here are 60 devotionals on 60 Hebrew words arranged as five for each month of the year. A praise-filled introduction to Hebrew vocabulary. The author studied in Israel and married a messianic Jew and now lives in the US with her husband. Word of Life Press distribution. B6 size, 368 pp. ISBN978-4-264-04299-0 \2,400+